Latest News

The Alex
The Alex2 days ago
The A-board is back outside with deals and much more.! ❀️ Thank you to Madison on our team for the refreshed look.! πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ¨
The Alex
The Alex3 days ago
Enjoy Valentine's Day with a delicious meal and special cocktails πŸ’˜ πŸ’• Bring your Valentine, Gal-entine or pal-entine πŸ’• #valentinesday #galentinesday #valentinesdinner
The Alex
The Alex3 days ago
What a fantastic burger of the month from our chefs! Come enjoy it while you can! Limited time only! πŸ” #BOTM #february #rarebitsauce #burger
The Alex
The Alex
The Alex6 days ago
The Alex
Come join us for all showings of the Six Nations.! πŸ‰ Enjoy the games with a Guinness or a Guinness 0.0 what a match made in heaven.! 🍻 #sixnations #guinness00 #guinness #rugby
The Alex
The Alex7 days ago
Incredible night of Emo and Indie music.! 🎀 Well done to everyone who sang last night.!! Would like to sing your favourite songs and have a great time with your friends join us for our next karaoke party next month.! 🎢🎡 #karaoke #singyourheartout #emo #indie
The Alex
The Alex7 days ago
Join us for all of the live matches of the Six Nations! 🏈🍺 #sixnations #liverugby #guinness
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Halloween Karaoke Night!

Our altogether Kooky Karaoke and Costume contest at the Alex! Don't be scared! Come along and sing your heart out and see how frighteningly good you are behind a mic!